Adult Orthodontist
Pendulum, Carriere Distalizer, and Quad Helix Appliances Orthodontists do much more than straighten teeth with braces or Invisalign. In fact, one of an orthodontist’s primary jobs is correcting bites, also called malocclusions (bad bites). In order to do this, orthodontists use various appliances that can correct bites, widen the jaw, and make space in the mouth. At Burke & Redford Orthodontists, Dr. Redford and Dr. Burke use a variety of appliances during orthodontic treatment. To educate our patients, we’ve been providing information about some of the lesser known orthodontic devices used in our practice. This article focuses on the pendulum,…
Appliances for Widening the Upper Jaw When most people think of the orthodontist’s office, they usually think of braces and Invisalign. However, orthodontists use a variety of appliances to achieve different goals—such as preserving space in the mouth or widening the jaw. This article focuses on appliances used to widen a narrow jaw—banded and bonded expanders. At Burke & Redford Orthodontists, we believe in educating our patients and their families so they feel comfortable with the different appliances that may be used during orthodontic treatment. Problems Caused By Narrow Upper Jaws An upper jaw that is too narrow can cause…
What Is An Impacted Tooth? The typical adult mouth has 32 teeth—8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 8 molars, and 4 wisdom teeth (also called third molars). Each type of tooth has a distinct function and location. Impacted teeth can happen for many reasons. Incisors (the middle front teeth) cut food into small pieces. Canines (the pointed teeth next to the incisors) grip and tear food. Premolars (located between canines and molars) crush and tear food. Molars (flat teeth at the rear of the mouth) grind food. If a tooth doesn’t grow in as expected, it is called an impaction.…