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How To Fix an Overbite Using a Carriere Distalizer and Invisalign

Many teenage and adult orthodontic patients prefer to use Invisalign for aesthetic reasons. After all, wearing clear aligner trays is less noticeable than wearing braces. However, Invisalign cannot always correct all orthodontic issues present in a patient with predictability. One such example is when patients have a moderate or severe overbite.

Although patients may prefer to use Invisalign instead of braces, overbites cannot always be corrected using Invisalign alone. In these cases, orthodontists often first treat the overbite and then focus on aligning teeth with Invisalign to achieve the best result.

An overbite can be corrected with the use of an appliance called a Carriere Distalizer. Orthodontics focuses on fixing bite issues as well as straightening teeth. By combining Invisalign with a Carriere Distalizer, the doctors at Burke & Redford Orthodontists can accomplish both goals.

overbite before and after picturesWhat Is An Overbite?

With an overbite, the top teeth protrude out excessively over the bottom teeth. (An alternative name for an overbite is “overjet.”) Overbites are one of the most common bite problems. They are also referred to as “Class II malocclusions” by orthodontists.

Overbites occur for multiple reasons, including skeletal issues (e.g., mismatched jaw sizes), dental issues (e.g., teeth are tilted too far forward), or oral habits such as thumb sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers or bottles. In older children and adults, chronic nail biting or chewing on objects such as pencils may also contribute to an overbite. Overbites can also have a hereditary component. Oftentimes they result from a combination of the above factors.

If left untreated, overbites can cause numerous problems, such as an increased likelihood of front tooth trauma, uneven wear on tooth enamel, speech impediments, and problems with chewing.

The most common treatment for an overbite—braces—is not always preferred by adult patients. In these cases, Dr. Redford and Dr. Burke can use a Carriere Distalizer to treat the overbite before beginning treatment with Invisalign to straighten the teeth. This option provides effective overbite correction without the need for actual braces.

overbite treatment - carriere distalizerWhat Is A Carriere Distalizer?

A Carriere Distalizer is an orthodontic appliance that corrects overbites by shifting the lower teeth forward relative to the upper teeth. It accomplishes many of the same goals as traditional overbite correction devices (e.g., headgear) but is much more patient-friendly. In addition, when a clear version is used, a Carriere Distalizer is almost invisible.

A Carriere Distalizer consists of a curved bar that is attached to two teeth—a canine tooth and a molar tooth—on each side of the mouth. Elastics are then used to produce a force strong enough to move top and bottom teeth into optimal relationships.

The curved bar can be clear or metal. Most adult and older teen patients prefer to have a clear bar as it is less noticeable in the mouth. The appliance usually remains in place for 6 to 8 months, depending on the severity of the overbite. During this time, the teeth gradually shift into their proper position—correcting the overbite.

What Is Invisalign?

Once the overbite is corrected, the Carriere Distalizer can be removed. At this point, Invisalign can be prescribed by the orthodontist to finish aligning teeth and providing patients with a beautiful smile and a corrected bite.

Invisalign involves wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten teeth. Many adult patients prefer Invisalign to braces because they are less noticeable and don’t have many of the restrictions that come with braces.

For example, Invisalign aligners can be removed when eating. This means there are no dietary restrictions as there are with braces. Aligners can also be removed to brush and floss teeth. However, perhaps the biggest advantage is that they are much less noticeable than braces—a benefit valued by adult orthodontic patients who don’t necessarily want to be seen wearing braces.

Invisalign aligners are made of a patented flexible plastic called SmartTrack. The aligners are FDA-approved and do not contain any BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten.

Dr. Redford and Dr. Burke will create a customized plan for each patient that they treat with specially made aligners. Patients wear each set for 20 to 22 hours a day. A new set of aligners is changed every 1 to 2 weeks, as directed by the doctors. Over time, the aligners gradually shift teeth into their optimal positions.

A treatment plan that uses a Carriere Distalizer to correct an overbite followed by Invisalign treatment that straightens teeth is an excellent option for adult patients who don’t want to wear braces but whose overbite cannot be fixed by Invisalign alone.

New patients can call or fill out the form on our website to schedule a free consultation and find out if the Carriere Distalizer and Invisalign is the best solution for your overbite.

Contact Burke & Redford Orthodontists during business hours at (951) 699-8011 to schedule a no-cost consultation, or fill out our appointment form on our site anytime. Dr. Ryan Redford or Dr. Michael Burke will discuss the best options for your overbite treatment.

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